How it all began

“She was the only girl in the venue I noticed.”

— From an entry in D.O.’s journal about the night he met Nicole

“I almost didn’t go to the show last night, but I’m so glad I did!”

— From Nicole’s journal the day after she met D.O.

Nicole and D.O. met while both out with their respective groups of friends at a concert in Spokane. Without knowing it, each caught the other’s eye. And without asking for it, Nicole’s wing woman grabbed D.O. and took him over to meet her friend, the only girl in the venue he’d noticed. They talked, swapped numbers, and had their first date the next day. And in true “when you know, you know” fashion, they got engaged seven months later.

And the rest is history

Since meeting, Nicole and D.O. have traveled to New York, Utah, South Carolina, and more. They’ve run a bunch of races together (including the stupidest half marathon on Earth), and been on some mind-blowing hikes. Oh, and they fell deeply in love.
Hence this website.